4.th International new media Conference
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Academicians who will send a full article  in the field of communication and fine arts can write according to APA Writing format.


  1. There should be 2.5 cm spacing at the right, left, bottom and up of the page.
  2. In the main body of the article, the font should be Times New Roman with 12 point, line spacing should be 1.5 lines and aligned to both sides.
  3. A paragraph should start a tab (1.25cm) inside.
  4. As the header information, the short name of the article should be written in all capital letters at the left. The name of the author should not be written using top or bottom headers. This will spoil the transparency of reviewing process.
  5. In case of block quotations, the quotation should be inside a tab (1.25 cm). When the quotation is completed, reference should be given (source, year, page number).



The APA-style text is divided into sections. The main sections are:











  1. It will be on the first page. The full title of the text should be written with capital first letters and centered.

 The name of authors will be added to the next line in the same format. Finally, the authors' institutions are written in the same writing format.

  1. By moving down with clicking on Enter twice, information such as the duty of author in his/her institution, any awards received, information about any studies where the article is derived from and contact information of the author will be provided from the left (not centered).



An abstract that will not exceed 150 words (in Turkish and English, if the article is in the language of the article, then the summary in that case) must be present. The title of the abstract should be put as "Abstract". In addition, 5 English (Keywords) and 5 Turkish keywords should be provided, the word Keywords should be written from a tab (1.25 cm) inside and in Italic format.


Sub Headings

  1. Level: Centered, Bold, First Letters Capitalized, remaining letters not capitalized
  2. Level:  Left Aligned, Bold, First Letters Capitalized, remaining letters not capitalized
  3. Level: A tab inside, Bold, Only the first letter of title Capitalized, remaining letters and words not capitalized, dot at the end.
  4. Level:  A tab inside, Italic, Only the first letter of title Capitalized, remaining letters and words not capitalized, dot at the end.
  5. Level: A paragraph inside, Bold, Only the first letter of title Capitalized, remaining letters and words not capitalized, dot at the end.


Tables, Graphics, Figures and Pictures:

  1. The table, graphic, figure and picture names should be placed under the table. Table, graphic, figure and picture texts and figures should be written with font size 8.
  2. Table, graphic, figure and pictures should be numbered.
  3. The line spacing between the texts in tables and figures should be set as 1.


Rules on In-Text References:


Type of Reference

Initial reference to the work in the text

Other references to the same work in the text

Initial reference to the work in the text in parenthesis format

Other references to the same work in the text in parenthesis format

Single author

Öztaş (2014),

Öztaş (2014)

(Öztaş, 2014, p. 9)

(Öztaş, 2014, p. 9)


Two authors

Erdem and Öztaş (2015)

Erdem and Öztaş (2015)

(Erdem & Öztaş, 2015, p. 8)

(Erdem & Öztaş, 2015, p. 8)



Three authors

Altun, Şahin and Öztaş (2017)

Altun et.al. (2017)

(Altun, Şahin, & Öztaş, 2017. p. 5)

(Altun et.al.., 2017, p. 5)


Four authors

Musso, Weare, Öztaş and Loges (2006)


Musso et.al. (2006)

(Musso, Weare, Öztaş, & Loges, 2006, p. 4-7)

(Musso et.al.., 2006, p. 4-7)


Five authors

Öztaş, Myrtle, Chen, Masri and Nigbor (2002)

Öztaş et.al. (2002)

(Öztaş, Myrtle, Chen, Masri, & Nigbor, 2002, p. 8)

(Öztaş et.al.., 2002, p. 8)

Six or more authors

Öztaş et.al. (2005)

Öztaş et.al. (2005)

(Öztaş et.al.., 2005, p. 7)

(Öztaş et.al.., 2005,

p. 7)

Author groups (as understood with abbreviation)

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU, 2018)

IGU (2018)

(Istanbul Gelisim University [IGU], 2018, p. 11)


(IGU, 2018, p. 11)

Author groups (without abbreviation)

Istanbul Gelisim University (2018)

Istanbul Gelisim University (2018)

(Istanbul Gelisim University, 2018,

p. 6)

(Istanbul Gelisim University, 2018, p.6)


If more than one reference is cited in the same parenthesis, the one that should be written first in bibliography should be the first.

If two or more works of the same author are quoted, the letters following the alphabetical order are added to the publication year: For example:  (Arıkan, 2009a); (Arıkan,   2009b). The first of these will refer to two different works in bibliography.

If the author of the work is not mentioned, the first few words of the work are used.  When referring to that work, the name of the book is written in italics and then the date is specified:

As mentioned in another source (Genel İşletme, 2017) …

As mentioned in Genel İşletme (2017)

If more than one articles with the same author surname is quoted the names of the authors should be indicated in the sentence, even if the publication years of the works are different. For example: Mehmet Ünal Şahı̇n (2015); Muzaffer Şahin (2010). Personal interviews should be mentioned in the text but not in the bibliography.

For example: (Adnan Duygun, personal interview, February 2017).

It is essential to access the primary sources in the studies, but if they could not be accessed due to circumstances, the source quoted or mentioned is specified in the submission. For example: (Cited By: Çelikbilek, 2016, p. 25); (mentioned by Karaca, 2017, pp. 32). The source information is not included in the cited or mentioned work.


Rules for Bibliography:

  1. The full information of cited reference will be provided. Any works that are not cited will not be indicated in bibliography.
  2. Refer to the latest edition of the work.
  3. If available, the page number of the article and the volume number of the issue should be added.
  4. If the DOI number is present, it must be appended to the last part of the reference.



In the "bibliography", the surname of the author, the initials of author's first name (sometimes the initials of first two names), the year of publication (in brackets), the name of the work, publication information will be specified. Book names are written in entirely small and italic letters after the first letter of the title (except for special names).


a.Book with single author or editor

Surname of the author, Initials of the author's name. (Year). The title of the book is italic, and after the first letter (except for special names) all letters will be not capitalized.  Printing Place: Publisher.

For example: Aykaç,   B.   (1999).   İnsan   kaynakları   yönetimi   ve  ı̇nsan kaynaklarının stratejik planlaması. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.

Surname of the Editor, Initials of the Editor's name. (Ed.). (Year). The title of the book is italic, and after the first letter (except for special names) all letters will be not capitalized. Printing Place: Publisher.

For example:  Gümüş,   İ.  (Ed.).   (2017).   Genel  işletme.    İstanbul:   İstanbul Gelı̇şı̇m Ünı̇versı̇tesı̇  Yayınları

b.Books with two or more authors or editors

Surname of the first author, Initials of the first author's name.  and Surname of the second author, Initials of the second author's name.  (Year).  The title of the book is italic, and after the first letter (except for special names) all letters will be not capitalized. Place: Publisher.

For example: Köten, E., Erdoğan, B. (2014). Engelli gençler,  sosyal dışlanma ve internet. İstanbul: İstanbul Gelı̇şı̇m Ünı̇versı̇tesı̇  Yayınları

Surname of the first author, Initials of the first author's name., Surname of the second author, Initials of the second author's name.  and Surname of the third author, Initials of the third author's name. (Year). The title of the book is italic, and after the first letter (except for special names) all letters will be not capitalized. Place: Publisher

For example: Karaca,  R.  K.,  Özkurt,  F.  Z.  (2017). New  concepts  and  new conflicts in global security issues.  İstanbul:  İstanbul Gelı̇şı̇m Ünı̇versı̇tesı̇ Yayınları


c.Reviewed or extended editions

Surname of the author, Initials of the author's name. (Year). The title of the book is italic, and after the first letter (except for special names) all letters will be not capitalized. (Reviewed/ Extended ... Edition) Printing Place: Publisher.

For example: Alpay, N. (2004). Türkçe sorunları kılavuzu (Reviewed

second edition). İstanbul: Metis.


ç.Books with Indefinite Authors

The title of the book is italic, and after the first letter (except for special names) all letters will be not capitalized. (Year). Place: Publisher.

For example:   The   1995   NEA   almanac   of   higher   education.   (1995). Washington DC: National Education Association.


d.Books with two or more volumes

Surname of the author, Initials of the author's name. (Year). The title of the book is italic, and after the first letter (except for special names) all letters will be not capitalized (Volume ....) Printing Place: Publisher.

For example: Tınmaz, H. (2015). Engelsiz Bilişim 2013 sempozyumu bildirileri (Volume 2). İstanbul: İstanbul Gelı̇şı̇m Ünı̇versı̇tesı̇  Yayınları


e.Translated Books

Surname of the author, Initials of the author's name. (Year). The title of the book is italic, and after the first letter (except for special names) all letters will be not capitalized. (Initials of Name of Translator, Surname of Translator, Trans.) Printing Place: Publisher.

For example:  Lucke,  R.  (2008).  Girişimcinin  el  kitabı.  (Ü.   Şensoy,  Trans.) İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.


f.An article in a compiled book

Surname of the author, Initials of the author's name. (Year). Title of article. The title of the book is italic, and after the first letter (except for special names) all letters will be not capitalized (pp. pages) Printing Place: Publisher.

For example: Sayan, S. (2002). Dünya Ekonomisi ve Türkiye: Globalleşme, Liberalizasyon ve Kriz. Yerel ekonomilerin sürdürülebilir kalkınması ve Çanakkale örneği (pp. 33)Ankara: Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu.


g.Chapter or article in Reference Books:

Surname of the author, Initials of the author's name. (Year). Title of article. The title of the book is italic, and after the first letter (except for special names) all letters will be not capitalized (pp. pages) Printing Place: Publisher.

For example:  Toy,  H.,  Elmacı,  D.  (2015).  Cumhuriyetin    ilanı.  Kronolojik Türkiye tarihi ansiklopedisi (pp. 6-9). İstanbul: Karma Kitaplar.



For Journal Articles:

Surname of the author, Initials of the author's name. (Year, and month, if any.) The title of article will be with capitalized first letter of first word, and the remaining letters will not be capitalized, if not a private name. Name of Journal and Initial Letter of Each Word in Capitalized, Volume, Italic (Issue). Page Numbers. doi: xxxxxx

For example:   Özden,   K.,   Erdoğdu,   D.   &   Gül,   S.   (2017,   October).   Kriz yönetiminde üretim yönetimi stratejileri ve politikalarının kullanılmasıyla ilgili bir alan araştırması. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal  Bilimler Dergisi, Volume 4 (2), 23-50. doi:10.17336/igusbd.348761


C.Other Resources


  1. Movie

Surname of the Director, Initials of the Director's name.   (Director). (Year). Name of the Movie in Italic format. Production city: Name of production company.

For example:   Tyldum,   M.   (Director).   (2014).   The   İmitation   Game.

USA : Black Bear Pictures.


b.Internet Sources

Surname of the author, Initials of the author's name.  (Date of publication of article). The title of article will be italic and with capitalized first letter of first word, and the remaining letters will not be capitalized, if not a private name. Date of Access: Day Month Year, link to the article.

For example:        Yüksek        Öğretim        Kurulu         (YÖK).       (10.01.2018). Akademisyenlere  yurt  dışı  imkanı.  Date of Access: 15.01.2018,https://www.cnnturk.com/turkiye/akademisyenlere-yurt-disi-imkani


c.Unpublished Graduate Theses

Surname of the author, Initials of the author's name. (Year). The title of thesis will be italic and with capitalized first letter of first word, and the remaining letters will not be capitalized, if not a private name (Unpublished Graduate Thesis).  Name of Institution, Location of Institution.

For example:   Selimler,   H.   (2006).   Türk   bankacılık    sektöründe   sorunlu kredilerin  varlık  yönetim  şirketlerince  tasfiyesi,  seçilmiş ülkeler ve Türkiye uygulaması (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). Marmara Üniversitesi Bankacılık ve Sigortacılık Enstitüsü, İstanbul.

Developed by Dr. Aydin Secer 2014-Istanbul